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Chinese translation for "vacation behavior"


Related Translations:
vacation:  n.1.假期;休假;(法庭等的)休庭期。2.搬出,迁出,退出;辞职。3.(职位的)空缺(期间)。短语和例子the long [summer] vacation暑假;(法院的)暑期休庭。 vacation subscriptions 〔美国〕(报纸)星期增刊的订阅。 be on vacation在度假,放假期间。vi.〔美国〕放假,休假;度假。 go vacationing
christmas vacation:  疯狂圣诞假期
compulsory vacation:  强制休假
paid vacation:  带工资休假带薪假日照付薪资的休假
vacation school:  暑期中的讲习会,暑期学校。
magical vacation:  魔法假期
european vacation:  欧洲假期
american vacation:  欢乐假期假期历险记
summer vacation:  热浪假期暑假夏季度假夏日假期
Example Sentences:
1.The consumer behavior mode defines six dimensionalities to describe the vacation behavior fully , including space , time , culture , economic support , experience and social interaction
2.Researches of vacation behavior will contribute to furthering the understanding of our vacation needs and wants , and helping us make a characterized vacation choice . moreover , it conduces to scientific and practical operations of vacation product development and innovation during the period of the tourism product transition
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